Preparing for the Unthinkable: Data Breach Response

Preparing for the Unthinkable: Data Breach Response

Jun 24, 2024

12:00 PM - 1:00 PM ET

Credits in

Icon About This Course

This course will shed light on attorneys' ethical obligations and responsibilities in safeguarding client data and how to respond during a data breach. Attendees will familiarize themselves with pertinent ethics rules and guidelines, ensuring compliance and heightened client protection. From exploring key considerations for protecting client data to reviewing data breach notification law, this course will prepare attorneys for all aspects of data breach response.

Attorneys will also learn the technical aspects of data breaches, such as common breaches. Additionally, this course will help attorneys to develop a step-by-step incident response plan and implement components such as client communications plans and regulator notifications.

This program is designed for attorneys at all levels of experience who communicate via email or conduct wire transactions. It is, therefore, highly relevant and beneficial for legal professionals across the industry.

Learning Objectives:

  • Apply Model Rules to protect client data
  • Analyze what a data breach is
  • Assemble key components to an incident response plan
  • Respond to potential regulatory obligations in the event of a breach

About the Presenters

Josh Rowland, Esq.

Law Offices of Josh Rowland, Esq.

Practice Area: Other

Employment Attorney, Joshua Rowland Esq. Durham, North Carolina (October 2017-Present)Legal ResearchCorporate Law Legal Education Course Development Cybersecurity Consultant, Fidelity Investments, Durham, North Carolina (December 2010 – Present)Cybersecurity ConsultingPrivacy Assessments Audit Coordination Data Analysis Policy and Procedure Development Identity and Access Management (IAM) Security Representative III (3 years) Anti-money Laundering InvestigationsCrisis Response Coordinator Security Device Programmer Physical Risk...

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