Combating Ransomware and Wire Fraud In The Digital Age
About This Course
In this enticing and relevant cybersecurity course, attorneys are provided an insightful exploration of prevalent cyberattacks and scams targeting the legal industry.
Participants will gain a solid understanding of various cyber threats, including Phishing, Ransomware, and Wire Fraud. This course will provide attorneys with the necessary knowledge to identify early warning signs of these attacks, implement effective preventive measures, and adopt appropriate response strategies in the event of an incident. Additionally, attendees will examine the exploitation of the MoveIt security vulnerability by the ClO0P ransomware gang, enhancing their understanding of the specific risks and vulnerabilities involved.
Furthermore, this course will shed light on attorneys' ethical obligations and responsibilities in safeguarding client data and protecting client funds. Attendees will familiarize themselves with pertinent ethics rules and guidelines, ensuring compliance and heightened protection for their clients.
This program is designed for attorneys at all levels of experience who engage in email communication or conduct wire transactions. It makes it highly relevant and beneficial for legal professionals across the industry.
Learning Objectives:
- Identify what a Phishing attack is
- Learn how to recognize and respond to a Phishing attack
- Examine what Ransomware is and how it’s used
- Explore how to prevent or mitigate a Ransomware attack
- Analyze wire fraud and how it’s carried out
- Implement controls to prevent wire fraud
Course Time Schedule:
Eastern Time: 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM
Central Time: 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM
Mountain Time: 4:30 PM - 6:30 PM
Pacific Time: 3:30 PM - 5:30 PM
Alaska Time: 2:30 PM - 4:30 PM
Hawaii-Aleutian Time: 1:30 PM - 3:30 PM
This course is also being presented on the following dates:
Tuesday, July 30, 2024
Tuesday, August 27, 2024
Saturday, August 31, 2024
Tuesday, September 24, 2024
Tuesday, October 22, 2024
About the Presenters
Josh Rowland, Esq.
Law Offices of Josh Rowland, Esq.
Practice Area: Other
Employment Attorney, Joshua Rowland Esq. Durham, North Carolina (October 2017-Present)Legal ResearchCorporate Law Legal Education Course Development Cybersecurity Consultant, Fidelity Investments, Durham, North Carolina (December 2010 – Present)Cybersecurity ConsultingPrivacy Assessments Audit Coordination Data Analysis Policy and Procedure Development Identity and Access Management (IAM) Security Representative III (3 years) Anti-money Laundering InvestigationsCrisis Response Coordinator Security Device Programmer Physical Risk...
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