If you're an attorney in New York -- or you're planning on being one -- you'll need to complete your NY CLE requirements every two years to retain your legal standing as an attorney. That means 24 credit hours every two years for experienced attorneys or attorneys renewing their status, though the good news is that you can meet all your required credits via NY CLE courses online, thereby eliminating the need for in-person conferences and instruction.
However, you won't be able to take just any NY CLE course and meet the requirements -- four hours in Ethics and Professionalism are required, as well as one hour of Diversity, Inclusion and Elimination of Bias. The rest -- 19 hours -- can be in any credit category.
For newly-admitted attorneys, or those that have been admitted to the New York State Bar for the first time, the NY CLE requirements are slightly different. In addition to the 24 credit hours that experienced attorneys need, newly-admitted attorneys must complete eight more credit hours for a total of 32.
Furthermore, those 32 hours are to be split evenly into two, with 16 credit hours required in each of your first two years as a practicing attorney in New York. Additionally, the 16 credit hours must be comprised of three hours of ethics and professionalism, six hours of skills and seven hours of law practice management and areas of professional practice.
To meet their NY CLE requirements, newly-admitted attorneys and experienced attorneys alike must complete their CLE within 30 days of their birthday, as well as reporting the CLE requirements to the bar within 30 days after their birthday.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, however, newly-admitted attorneys can fulfill their skills requirement -- which is typically required to be in-person -- via convenient online NY CLE courses until at least December 31, 2021. No other requirements have been changed due to the coronavirus pandemic, though they may be subject to change due to other COVID factors.
Understanding the New York CLE Requirement
Total CLE Requirement:
24 credit hours every two years
Credit Format:
Veteran Attorneys may complete all credits online. For Newly Admitted requirements, please see below.
Credit Breakdown:
18 hours General
4 hours Ethics and Professionalism
1 hour Diversity, Inclusion & Elimination of Bias
1 hour Cybersecurity, Privacy, and Data Protection*
*Beginning on July 1, 2023, experienced and newly admitted attorneys must comply with the 1-credit requirement in the Cybersecurity, Privacy, and Data Protection category of CLE credit. Experienced attorneys due to re-register on or after July 1, 2023 (birthday is on or after July 1st) must complete at least 1 CLE credit hour in Cybersecurity, Privacy, and Data Protection as part of their biennial CLE requirement. Please see the CLE Program Rules at 22 NYCRR 1500.22(a)
You may choose to complete the Cybersecurity credit in Cybersecurity General or Cybersecurity Ethics (or a combination of the two: ½ credit in Cybersecurity General and ½ credit in Cybersecurity Ethics).
You may count a maximum of 3 credit hours of Cybersecurity Ethics - but not Cybersecurity General - toward your 4-credit Ethics and Professionalism requirement.
Example: if you earn 3 credits in Cybersecurity Ethics, then you still need to earn 1 credit in Ethics and Professionalism, 1 credit in Diversity, Inclusion, and Elimination of Bias, and 19 credits in any category of credit - a total of 24 credits
Compliance Deadline:
Within 30 days of attorney's birthday on alternate years.
Reporting Deadline:
All attorneys must certify, at the time of their biennial registration, that they have satisfactorily completed their CLE requirement for that reporting cycle and that they have retained the proper documentation.
Reporting Information:
The best way to file your attorney registration or make address changes is via Attorney Online Services found at www.nycourts.gov/attorneys. You may also contact us via email at [email protected] for further assistance.
Note: Effective December 1, 2023, an amendment to Part 118 of the Rules of the Chief Administrator will require every attorney admitted to the bar in the State of New York, whether they are resident or non-resident, active or retired, or practicing law in New York or anywhere else to file their biennial registration electronically – see press release. Attorneys may utilize their Online Services account to file their registration electronically, make changes to contact information or view receipts – Sign in to Online Services.
Section 468-a of the NY Judiciary Law and 22 NYCRR Part 118 of the Rules of the Chief Administrator of the Courts require the biennial registration of all attorneys admitted in the State of New York, whether they are resident or non-resident, active or retired, or practicing law in New York or elsewhere. All attorneys are required to renew their attorney registration every two years, within 30 days after their birthday.
The fee for registration is $375.00 (of which $60.00 is deposited in the Lawyers’ Fund for Client Protection, $50.00 in the Indigent Legal Services Fund, $25.00 in the Legal Services Assistance Fund, and the remainder in the Attorney Licensing Fund).
No fee is required from an attorney who certifies that he or she is retired from the practice of law as defined in 22 NYCRR 118.1(g).
Newly Admitted Requirement:
Newly admitted attorneys must take 16 total accredited CLE hours of transitional CLE courses, of which 3 Ethics and Professionalism must be in a traditional Live classroom setting, a fully interactive video conference, or a live webcast or teleconference. The required 6 Skills credits must be completed in a traditional Live classroom setting or a fully interactive video conference. The credits must be completed during each of the first two years of admission to the Bar.
The remaining 7 Law Practice Management or Areas of Professional Practice credits may be completed in any approved format.
3.0 Ethics
6.0 Skills
7.0 Law Practice Management and/or areas of Professional Practice
TRTCLE's Bridge the Gap Compliance Days fulfill all 16 credits with a combination of live programming and online courses.
*COVID-19 Temporary Change: In an effort to address the growing concerns related to the spread of the COVID-19 Coronavirus, the CLE Board implemented the following changes, effective March 11, 2020, through June 30, 2025:
Newly Admitted Attorneys – Newly admitted attorneys (those admitted to the New York State Bar for two years or less) might participate in Skills CLE courses by either individual participation (self-study) or group participation in the following live, nontraditional formats, where questions are allowed during the program:
a. webconference,
b. teleconference, and
c. videoconference
State Contact Information:
New York State CLE Board
25 Beaver Street, Rm 888
New York, NY 10004
(T) (212) 428-2105
[email protected]
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